Sports Nutrition: Fueling Performance And Optimizing Recovery

performance recovery process

Having complete nutrition per day is really important for everyone. There is no science behind why a particular set of people should have a high intake of nutrition. Although some require more than the desired need of the human body, it mainly depends on the performance and recovery process. 

If we talk about sports, proper nutrition plays a vital role in maximizing their performance and promoting optimal recovery process. Sportsmen should understand how important it is to take proper nutrition in achieving their desired goals. 

According to a study, sports nutrition helps in speedy recovery from an injury by 20%. It clearly shows that your diet is significant in making the healing process easy and fast. 

In this blog post, we will uncover the balanced diet that contributes to making proper sports nutrition. Also, we will learn how important it is to have these in your daily routine. 

Fundamental Sports Nutrition For Every Sportsmen

1. Carbohydrates 

If we talk about increasing energy in the body, then carbohydrates are a must to consume.

You must be fond of some sources of carbohydrates that are included in most of our meals. Some of these include rice, bread, pasta, and fruits. Carbohydrates break down into glucose, which is actually the fuel for your body. It contributes a lot in making your physical activity stable. 

Sportsmen are recommended to consume between 5-12 grams of carbohydrates per kg of body weight. Also, it depends on the sport and training program. So, it is better you reach out to your nutritionist to help you guide in carbohydrates consumption. 

You can consume these foods before, during, and after exercise. 

2. Proteins 

Protein is equally important for your body’s growth. It helps in building and repairing muscle tissue.

You can consume protein-rich food including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and other dairy products. It is said that sportsmen should consume proteins between 1.2-1.7 grams per kg of body weight each day. 

Also, professional nutritionists can help you in understanding how important it is to have a significant quantity of proteins in your diet. You can consume such foods after exercise. It will help in promoting muscle recovery and growth. 

3. Fats 

Fats make sports nutrition complete. It is also important to have some proportion of fats in your diet. Such foods are the source of energy for prolonged exercise. The fat-rich food includes oily fish, nuts, avocados, seeds, and more. 

Sportsmen are advised to consume fats in between 20-35% per day. It is really important to include fats in your healthy diet because it contributes a lot in making your body perform better. 

4. Hydration 

Even for a normal person, hydration is really critical. So, why shouldn’t sportsmen keep their bodies hydrated the whole day?

Hydration is critical for all sports professionals. Even mild dehydration can cause severe damage to a sportsperson hence, performance is highly impacted. This is the reason why experts put more stress on staying hydrated all day and everyday. 

In playing any sports, a person should consume 16-20 ounces of water every two hours before exercise. However, he should consume 7-10 ounces after 10-20 minutes during exercise. 

5. Vitamins and Minerals 

Do you know why experts urge consuming vitamins and minerals? This is because it helps a lot in improving health and well-being. 

Since sports require stable health and a physically active person, it is important to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals in the nutritional diet. Some of the significant foods having vitamins and minerals include fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and lean protein. Having an adequate amount of such nutrition can boost the performance and recovery process. 

Sportsmen can consume multivitamins and supplements if they are unable to get sufficient vitamins and minerals from their diet. It is always recommended to take sufficient amounts of such nutrients to make sure you are meeting your body’s daily requirements. 


Nutrition is itself a self-explanatory term and thus, one should consider taking the right amount in their daily routine. No matter what professional and personal activity you are performing, it is more than important to complete your diet with the proper intake of nutrition. As you can see there should be an equal portion of these nutrients in your diet, make sure you are talking to your nutritionist to help you with making the diet chart. In this way, you will be tracking how much each nutrition you are taking up.