What To Do To Get Ready For A Winter Storm

Winter Storm

Along with a lot of snow, a winter storm can also bring ice, freezing rain, severe gusts, and extreme cold. They can result in downed trees, extremely hazardous roads or pathways, and power outages that can continue for many days. Schools and childcare centers might be closed, and public transportation may be impacted. In addition to all of this, winter storms raise the dangers of heart attacks, hypothermia, frostbite, and traffic accidents. Because of this, it’s crucial to know how to protect yourself, your family, and your house safely now that winter storm season is in full swing. Here are some actions you may take to get ready before the fierce storm arrives.

Stock Your Pantry With Food

It’s crucial to ensure you have a sufficient supply of food because it’s necessary to stay indoors and avoid traveling during a winter storm. Many non-perishable things should be in your pantry so that you won’t have to worry about anything spoiling if you lose electricity. You can use voucher codes UK to buy food.

Purchase Water Bottle

In case your pipes freeze and prevent you from accessing tap water, make sure you have plenty of bottled water on hand. You could need water to brush your teeth, wash your dishes, flush the toilet, or take a shower if your pipes should freeze. In advance of the storm, you can also fill up the bathtub, jugs, bottles, and other containers with water. In case you think purchasing a water bottle will be expensive for you, don’t worry discount codes can save you money.

Pick Up Hygiene Supplies And Fill Out Prescriptions

Ensure that you complete all of your prescriptions for medication so that you have enough on hand to last at least three days, if not a week to be safe. This will spare you from having to dash to the drugstore on a bad day for the roads. Additionally, you should prepare a supply of any hygiene products you might require, such as toothpaste, tampons, toilet paper, and diapers. If water is scarce, it can also be beneficial to grab some moist toilet paper.

Create A Survival Kit

Make sure you have quick access to everything you might need in an emergency before the storm hits. It’s best to waterproof some of the goods in your emergency supply kit so that anything that could be damaged by water can be sealed inside airtight, waterproof plastic bags. In case you need to leave quickly, it’s a good idea to pack everything in your equipment into one or two pieces of lightweight luggage.

Purchase Plenty Of Ice Melt And Inspect Your Tools

Be sure to start traveling and storing up early so that you have extra for after the storm. Ice melt salt tends to disappear rapidly at neighborhood stores immediately before a storm. You’ll need enough so you can salt and shovel all of your outside stairways, stoops, and walkways immediately following the storm, preventing the snow from melting and turning to ice when the temperature drops.

Before the storm, you should have a good snow shovel (or two). Make sure that they aren’t too damaged or worn because that will make your life more difficult. Additionally, you should check that your tool kit is current and simple to access because you might require a wrench or pair of pliers to quickly turn off utilities.

Be Prepared For A Power Outage

Before the storm, charge your smartphones and make sure you have some portable battery backups available in case the power goes out. Additionally, it’s a good idea to keep flashlights or battery-operated lights nearby so you won’t have to fumble about the home looking for them.

If power outages are common where you live, you might want to think about purchasing a generator, either a portable or a home standby unit. If you do have a portable generator, be sure to have fuel or propane before the storm so you may use it as long as you need to.

Create A Family Communication Plan For Emergencies

Even if you charge your phones before the storm, mobile reception may still be spotty, so be careful to work out a plan with your family for how you’ll stay in touch in case of need.

Make careful you memorize or write down crucial family phone numbers, and choose a distant contact who can assist you in getting back in touch with everyone if you become separated.